1. Save your alien to your hard drive by Right clicking on the image and selecting SAVE AS
2. Sign the Alien Registry Guestbook. If you want us to visit you then don't forget to add your homepage address!
3. Upload your alien to your homepage account. If you dont have a home for them please dont take them.
4. child safe sites only please. 'Unappropriate' pages if you simply MUST have an alien and sign the guestbook then your entry should be private please.
5. Do not edit IN ANY WAY my aliens. They are .gif for transparency. You may not CHANGE the file format
for any reason without prior consent! unless stated otherwise.
6. Provide a Link back to my site! You may use a graphic which I've provided on my
Certificates page, a text link under your alien, OR link the image to my site.
(Tara's AlienWorld @ http://alienship.tripod.com)
The default certificate is
but you may find a few more in the
Certificates Hall.

Updated August 2005
© Copyright 1997-2005