Here are my general Rules and Terms of using graphics
Do not link directly to ANY file from my directory.
Save it and upload to your homepage account.
Do not edit ANY of my graphics without prior permission.
Taking any personalized graphics is prohibited.
If you use any of my graphics, Please be sure to link back to my site.
Credit me for my work.
<font size=1>
<a href="">
alien graphics</a>
It will look like -->
Tara's AlienWorld
Or you can use one of my link graphics instead

<a href="">
<img src="taragraphic.gif"></a>
Here are some GENERAL graphics to use for linking to my site.
Some sections will have their own graphics to use for linking. But you may
use these in place of them if you like.

One last thing, Please respect me and my site and I will do the same for you
Thanks, Tara

graphic from
Cursor page
© Copyright 1997-2002