Please do not link to the wildlife graphics.
example: using this tag
<img src=https://members.tripod.com/~alienship/graphicfile.gif>
is called graphic linking. It will slow down my server so please refrain from this

Please provide a link back to my site (https://members.tripod.com/~alienship/)
example: Tara's wildlife center or use
my logo

Please sign my guestbook to let me know that you've adopted some wildlife
If the guestbook isn't working simply mail the info to me, Thanks

Care-mail is a great animal e-card place.
Plus, for every card you send they will donate to wildlife! Check it out.
You may take this graphic with you to display on your page if you wish

Please pick which category of wildlife you'd like to adopt from!
As I add new wildlife and fit them in, sometimes a little moving is done.
So please be sure to recheck the pages for new additions
Please read my RULES page before taking any graphics!
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